Note: Since this last part is so long, I decided to split it into 3 parts. Today: Part 3a: “Why Everyone Loves the Klan: The Dirty Little Secret About the Klan – The Commies Love the Klan.” After that, ” …The Government loves the Klan,” and ” “The Right Loves the Klan.” So why does […]
Posts in category Politcal Drama
Everyone loves the Klan Part 2: Being...
The real interesting part of this whole affair was the fact that John Hammer, like everyone else these days daring to step outside the political and social orthodoxy, has to endure the subtle terror that is the PC industry. The ritual burning of right wing witches has become a favored past time for the adherents […]
Everyone Loves the Klan Part 1: The R...
Pop quiz hot shot! You are Hester Prynne (you know, from that excruciating novel The Scarlet Letter). You are humiliated and subjected to public ridicule as you are forced to stand on a scaffold and wear a scarlet ‘A’ on your chest. One day, as Rev. Wilson is grilling you, trying to find out who […]
Look ma! I’m’a Bidness wo...
So, a nun a duck and a midget walk into a bar… badaaasping hahahaha! What’s the punchline? Well, that’s it. This is one of those jokes where the setup IS the punch line. Here’s another one. Carly Fiorina is thinking about running for public office. badaaasping hahahaha! Oh wait, I think that one is for […]