Here is a good article from Alex Jones’ site: Glbal warming is beloved by the marxoids because it gives them an endless excuse to push the buttons and pull the levers of government. It will become and endless crisis that can only be managed by them of course. Marxoids thrive on crisis. It allows […]
Posts in category Politcal Drama
Sharia Headed to the West. Insane Whi...
How does this fit into the Multicultural paradigm? From the article below: Currently, all sex outside marriage is illegal. Women alleging rape must produce four male witnesses – if not they can face prosecution for adultery. This is Sharia. Islamic law. Idiot liberal chicks who get all soggy at the thought of “those wonderful immigrants […]
Brits Hate Free Speech
What the Brits need is tougher Speech Hate laws (note: NOT Hate Speech). That is laws designed to put in prison anyone who has an irrational hatred of someone else’s speech. Of course, that would presume that the Brits give a shit about free speech. Everyone says they care about free speech of course, EXCEPT […]