“The personal is the political” – Carol Hanisch, radical lefty feminist
Put a sock in it.
Listening to whiny leftists sitting around sucking snot and spewing water over supposed Republican “violence” is a laugh too far.
The water works over all that “Republican hate” is simply yet another example of how the Official media lies to the American people. Through selective reporting, by ignoring some incidents and breathlessly reporting others, they actively mislead their news consumers.
Imagine for a moment if there was a lefty author who found himself the subject of radical campus conservatives who not only refused to let him speak, but engaged in violence against the author and his supporters? Would we ever hear the end of it? Probably not, which is why we know it doesn’t happen.
Campus lefties hate free speech, and they have a long history of silencing dissent.
Ann Coulter doesn’t have to imagine what its like to be the subject of political violence since she saw it up close and personal in Canada at the University of Ottawa last week. Ann, who has to travel with a bodyguard, was actively prevented from speaking on campus by herds of crazed lefties who seem to think that their disagreements with Ms. Coulter give them the right to shut her up.
Ann isn’t the only non-lefty author who has been subjected to “the treatment” on college campus’. Dare to thwart the orthodoxy and you too will find out what its like to have your car keyed, your windows smashed, and your face covered with spit from self righteous thugs, and that’s if you’re lucky and somewhat famous. Moreover, there wont be any sympathetic former liberal arts majors from the local bird cage liner showing up to hear your tale of woe.
Political violence in America has almost always been from left to right.
Only the willfully ignorant can ignore the history (some of it very current) of political violence directed at non-lefty targets. For example, in 2004, the sons of two Democrat party congressmen and two other Democrats were caught slashing the tires of vehicles rented by the Republican party.
There are plenty more examples. Go here to see a huge (but still partial) list of political violence against some non-lefties. Anyone that has ever spoke up against the lefty agenda has come in for hateful assaults, slander, low level terrorism, and atempts to get them fired, even when those people were lefties themselves (e.g. Norm Finklestein)
In fact, when it comes to political violence, the leftoids actually commit more acts of violence against themselves than non-lefties do. It’s called “false flagging,” and the marxist do it because they know that their friends and allies in the media will credulously report on their behalf.
Only rarely do they get caught like Claremont Community college professor of social psychology Kerri Dunn who staged a fake “anti-semitism” attack on herself, or this knucklehead, Maurice Schwenkler, who allegedly broke the glass at the Democrat Party office in Denver Colorado in order blame the Republicans for violence.
The radical left in America is the most violent element of American society outside of organized crime.
Ever hear the phrase, “By any means necessary?” That was the radical lefty threat to America back in the 60’s. It was started by Malcom X, then later carried out by groups like the Weather Underground and the Symbionese Liberation Army and the Black Panther Party, with bomb attacks on police, banks and Congress.
In fact, the 1965 Watts riots in LA, as well as the 1992 LA riots are also examples of how the political left has instigated and agitated for violence in America in the furtherance of their social agenda.
As these people got older, they didn’t become less radical, they just became better organized and better funded. Barack Obama’s political career, for example, was started by political terrorist William Ayers, a former leader of the Weather Underground
William Ayers - Wikipedia
As I pointed out in my last essay, these people have been stuck in the 1920’s for the past 60 years and they are deadly serious. They have not been chastened by the failure of communist regimes throughout the world. They fully intend to implement their vision of Commie America, just as they always have, “by any means necessary.
I invite you to look at this interview of former FBI operative Larry Grathwohl, who posed as a member of the Weather Underground, as he talks about how terrorist like Bill Ayers cold bloodedly plotted to intern millions of Americans in “re-education camps”
What about people who wouldn’t go along? They would be “eliminated.”
He estimated they would have to kill up to 10%, or 25 million people.
As you view this, keep in mind that he’s talking about the people who mentored our current President.
Ayers To Eliminate 25 million Capitalist Americans