Here is a good article from Alex Jones’ site:
Glbal warming is beloved by the marxoids because it gives them an endless excuse to push the buttons and pull the levers of government. It will become and endless crisis that can only be managed by them of course.
Marxoids thrive on crisis. It allows them to stampede people into a certain direction before they’ve had a chance to think.
For all the wailing about Bush’s “attack on science” by attempting to bully government scientists advocating the Global Warming Hysteria (GWH), the far greater attack on science comes from the marxoids. There are many scientist who do not agree with the GWH but they are reticent to speak about it because of death threats from leftist and campus radicals, threats to pull funding from campus administrators or NSF lackies, and opprobrium from radical collegues.
If there is a real scientific case to be made for GWH, it wouldn’t require the hateful and bullying tatics by the academic left.