Do you know where your pig has been?
One of the the things you learn as an adult, is to never live life so close to the margin that you can’t recover. Always leave yourself a margin. After all, the Universe is seldom so congenial as to wait before you’ve solved one problem before it throws another at you.
The same is true, or should be, of nations.
Keep a reserve. Allow for those rainy days. Give yourself room to maneuver.
After all, if you are so foolish as to try to create a world wide empire, involve yourselves in 2 wars at once, go into debt to the tune of over 11 trillion dollars, bail out every failing bank and Wall Street enterprise that wanders in the door, open your borders to every Third World indigent that can fog a mirror while at the same time creating a police state at home, you might just wake up to find that nature has thrown another curve ball at you.
Like Mexican Swine Flu for example.
When it rains, it pours.
Of course, an enemy might well decide that now was a propitious time to add to our burdens. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” as Israeli agent and current Presidential Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel recently said.
He may find that our enemies agree with him.