“Excuse me Homeland Security? Yeah, I’d like to report that I see a bunch of power mad scum who are taking over my country. Can you please arrest yourselves?”
If you wanted to see reruns of “I Love Lucy,” or “The Honeymooners” you could probably find them on the web in multiple locations (e.g. Hulu.com). But if you want to see a replay of 1950’s Soviet style communism, there is only one place where Americans can find it: Washington D.C.
I’m not kidding.
Consider this news item posted on The Drudge Report. It is a press release put out by the commisars at the Ministry of Homeland Security. http://drudgereport.com/flash2n.htm
Here is what Comrade Napalitano had to say:
“Homeland security starts with hometown security, and each of us plays a critical role in keeping our country and communities safe,” said Secretary Napolitano.”
Da Comrade! Espying on your neighbors is very very important to state security. You can never be sure who is guilty or innocent, so report them to us and we will find out!
Ok,ok, I added that last part, but how long will be before we see giant propaganda posters in the middle of town exhorting us to sacrifice for the Homeland?
Actually that’s a trick question.
The answer is never, because they have a better way.
Now if you go to Wallmart, you will find yourself confronted by a much more efficient version of those propaganda posters in the form of a video that plays at checkout, exhorting you to inform on your neighbors in order to keep us all “safe.”
Yes I’m serious, and don’t call me Shirley.
Here is the rest of the quote from Commisar Napolitano
Napolitano:“I applaud Walmart for joining the ‘If You See Something, Say Something’ campaign. This partnership will help millions of shoppers across the nation identify and report indicators of terrorism, crime and other threats to law enforcement authorities.”
So now there is a “campaign” to recruit business for the greater glory of the state, only with an more modern and American twist.
But wait! That’s not all…
Because ladies and gentlemen, you aren’t just getting communism, you are getting a spineless suckup media too! Just like communist Russia had! Isn’t that awesome?
You see, even though this was put out as a press release by the clueless commisars at Homeland Security, who obviously have no shame or knowledge of history, at least they can count on the fact that the American mainstream media has their back. The media minions decided it wasn’t in the interest of the government for this news item to have more widespread dissemination, no matter how proud Commisar Napolitano is of it, so they buried the story.
The media goons in this country like to posture as brave fighters for justice and freedom. The reality is however that they are mostly stupid and cowardly, with just enough brains to know who they can “bravely fight” and who they can’t.
As a result, this bit of amazing news was left to alternative outlets on the web like Drudge and Alex Jones, and of course me.
People who get their news from the web have a different view of things. In other words, we know what the hell is going on, and it isn’t good. On the other hand, TV fans can tell you all the stats from their favorite sports team, or who is screwing who on their favorite soap opera, so I guess it evens out.
They wont mind the gulag, as long as they have an idiot box to keep their mind dead. Unfortunately, the rest of us are stuck in here with them.
Can someone change the damned channel?