Looking at the current field of Presidential hopefuls still in the race I have to wonder if America isn’t truly cursed. Quite simply, this is the worst group of candidates ever (excluding Ron Paul of course).
The two Democrat candidates still in the race are straight from hell. Hillary, a spiteful, hateful, marxist harridan can’t seem to contain herself no matter how much it hurts her. Like all marxist ideologues, the thing that really tweaks her gourd isn’t the overwhelming tax hammer now crushing average Americans against the anvil of inflation. No no, it’s the concern, no, the OBSESSION that somehow, somewhere , there is a hedge fund manager not paying “his fair share.” You get the feeling that she lays awake at night plotting and scheming about new and different ways to tax Americans and get back at her enemies, which she has in abundance according to her.
One thing to be said for Hillary is that she inspires a healthy, life affirming disgust in the average American.
Only obsessive ideologues can look at her and actually see her as President of the United States without having to suppress an urge to hurl. Obama on the other hand, is more like the HIV virus, to Hillary’s Ebola. That is, he has been handled well enough that he can cloak himself in the uplifting rhetoric of “hope” (kinda like the OTHER Clinton) and people will actually buy into his con.
In all fairness, anyone standing on a stage next to Hillary looks good by comparison, but Obama has struck a cord with white lefties. These poor souls, victims of over a half century of psychological warfare, are determined to demonstrate to everyone within 10 light years that THEY aren’t racist. They really aren’t. No no, you have to believe them! They really really really AREN’T racist!
HONEST INJUN (whoops)!
Anyway, there is something pretty pathetic about white liberals running around, proudly shoving their Obama stickers in everyone’s face, and desperately trying to impress anyone that will listen with their Obama obsession. They are kinda like a love starved child trying to win a little love from cold and indifferent parents. Sadly they will be denied again because Obama hates them worse than Clinton.
White liberals have never seemed to grasp that just because they are willing to pretend race doesn’t exist, doesn’t mean anyone else feels that way, and to Obama race matters.
In the Asia times, the writer Spengler wrote an excellent article (see Obama’s women reveal his secret ) about the two people that have influenced Obama the most: His mother and his wife. Both of them are notable for their burning hatred of America, really white people , and Obama reflects this.
He learned his hatred of white people orginally from his white mother, anthropologist Ann Dunham who was a marxist ideologue much like Hillary. His mother tried to shed her racial heritage by immersing herself in other “cultures” (such as they are) and having flings with various non-white men. Obama is the product of one such union, an African degenerate who abandoned Obama in infancy and killed himself in a drunk driving accident in 1982. Obama learned his hatred of White people from his mother and if not for his handlers who have coached him to play up to stupid white people and their guilt ridden race obsessions, it would be obvious to anyone who scratches the surface. As Spengler says:
“He shares the resentment of Muslims against the encroachment of American culture, although not their religion. He has the empathetic skill set of an anthropologist who lives with his subjects, learns their language, and elicits their hopes and fears while remaining at emotional distance. That is, he is the political equivalent of a sociopath (emphasis mine).”
With Democrat front runners like that, thank God for the Republicans right? Not so fast. While Ron Paul is still in the race, the media basically decided this contest a long time ago and in spite of the fact that Ron Paul out raised all his opponents in the beginning, most people still don’t know who he is. That’s because John McCain is the mainstream media’s preferred Republican.
Looking at McCain’s positions one has to wonder why he even bothers to pretend to be a Republican, especially given how thoroughly George W. Bush has discredited the party. McCain after all doesn’t care about any part, he just wants power. He is a liberal, of the non-classic sort, and in a recent freudian slip, he admitted as much. Being a liberal, like most of the Republican Party leadership, McCain is completely out of touch with the base of the party. But being out of touch he doesn’t realize just how much most Americans, including most Republicans loathe his positions.
Most Americans, and most Republicans, want out of Iraq, they want our southern border secured, they want the illegals here to get the hell out, they want the government to stop taking our money to pay for foreign misadventures, in fact they want the government to stop taking our money for pretty much everything, and they want the government to actually show some loyalty to America for a change.
McCain, just doesn’t get that, and worse, he doesn’t care. Like most of his big shot Republican friends he has enormous disdain for the rank and file of his party and begrudges the fact that they even have to pass judgment on his campaign. Fortunately for him (right now at least) the media agrees with him and has basically shut everyone else out. So for now he gets a pass.
My theory about this however is that McCain is just being put up by a media who sees him (rightly) as the weakest Republican to run against their preferred candidate, King Obama. The media wants the empty suit Obama and they know that without such insanely bad candidates to run against him, he doesn’t have a chance. That’s why the current field of candidates is so bad.
If you are an honest man, there really is no choice but Ron Paul.
If however you are a socialistic, globalist minded supporter of Israel and international zionism, then throw a dart at a board. The rest of them are all the same.
I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Mike Harmon
Thanks Mike. I will certainly try to keep posting more.
[…] Ron Paul’s Speeches wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt Looking at the current field of Presidential hopefuls still in the race I have to wonder if America isn’t truly cursed. Quite simply, this is the worst group of candidates ever (excluding Ron Paul of course). The two Democrat candidates still in the race are straight from hell. Hillary, a spiteful, hateful, marxist harridan can’t seem to contain herself no matter how much it hurts her. Like all marxist ideologues, the thing that really tweaks her gourd isn’t the overwhelming tax hammer now cru […]