“Everything has has happend as I have forseen...” – Evil Emperor from Star Wars
So now we know.
The Wall Street Journal reported today that :
Influential former Pentagon official Richard Perle has been exploring going into the oil business in Iraq and Kazakhstan, according to people with knowledge of the matter and documents outlining possible deals.
This is the guy who has been pushing for the removal of Saddam Hussein for over 12 years, since he helped publish and promote the infamous “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century,” published by the neo-con pig wallow known as Project For The New American Century. Perle and his comrades piously claimed that all he and his cohorts wanted was to make the mideast secure and free the Iraqi people.
More cynical souls like myself pointed out that :
- Perle didn’t give a damn about the Iraqi people.
- Perle only cares about Israel.
- Perle is a money grubbing zionist who doesn’t give a damn about the Iraqi people and only cares about Israel.
Looks like I was right.
The lefties among us, every vigilant for the prospect that America might actually benefit from its own foreign policy, can stand relieved. America had nothing at all to gain the invasion of Iraq. They are partially right that it was about oil however; just not for us.
You see, Israel has long coveted their neighbors oil. They dream about it. They lust after it. They want it so bad they can taste it. They want it so bad that they contrived to have their “ally” (that’s us in case you didn’t know) attack and destroy the country with the second largest reserve of oil in the world. That country also happened to be Israels most powerful enemy.
Amazing how that all works out huh?
Perle was Israel’s point man in the US. Israel has lots of point men in the US, but “The Prince of Darkness,” as he likes to be known (no I’m not making that up) is their all star.
Now not only does Israel get their oil, Perle gets a small fortune from his “investments,” an investment he couldn’t make without his reliably gullible goys doing his dirty work.
Oy! Such a deal!
But hey, at least America didn’t benefit. Perle now lives in France.
It’s all true. You are correct.
The American people are so blindly trusting of the lie-filled media that they don’t bother to take a close look at anything, don’t bother to ask “why?” Who runs the media in the US? Same zionist crowd. Wake up people. Israel will fight ’til the very last goyim for control of the Middle East. They want to use your children to fight and die for their country which has proven to be little more than a hideout for jewish criminals wishing to avoid extradition.
I agree with this, but we are not Israel’s “friend.” Israel controls us. Our elections are mere puppet shows given to let the masses believe they have an illusion of a choice, Israeli dual citizens occupy high positions of our government, our “Federal Reserve” is nothing more than a private Jewish bank, printing useless paper money not backed by gold or silver, and charging us interest, thus controlling our money supply and the rate of inflation. Our Presidential hopefuls debate which one of them is the better friend of Israel, AIPAC is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jewish lobby groups and organizations.