On August 7 of this year, a Presidential Science Advisory council claimed that, “Swine Flu could kill 90,000 Americans by winter.” They went on to claim that we could see an increase in hospital admissions of around 1.8 million people, with 50%-100% of all ICU beds taken up by patients suffering from Novel H1N1 infections.
Ok, now that we know that these claims are bullshit, will these people resign? Will President Obama issue a public apology for helping to create an unnecessary panic? Will there be a congressional investigation into what went wrong(or right)? Will all the people who were forced to take vaccines this year on the basis of this hype be compensated?
Yeah, I know, yuk it up.
Like bizarre religious cultist, being wrong is never a deterrent to vaccine fanatics. In fact, now that they have stopped actually testing patients for H1N1, they are free to essentially define any sort of cold, respiratory illness, or malaise as H1N1. Still, even with the definitions blurred and expanded, the best they could come up with was less than 1000 deaths as of a few weeks ago. Since they can’t really claim that these are all Novel H1N1 infections, they are using the term “Influenza Like Illness (ILI)” and are apparently hoping that no one notices the change.
Last spring when the first H1N1 infections became well known, the hype machine kicked into overdrive. Vile Obama ghoul Rhamm Emanuel gleefully chimed in with this jewel, “we should never let a good crisis go to waste.” And they didn’t.
If H1N1 wasn’t going to kill us all last spring surely it would depopulate the Southern Hemisphere during their winter we were told. And you just wait, come winter here in the North, the Grim Reaper would finally have his day as the fabled “second wave” kicked in.
None of that happened.
In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the total number of deaths WORLDWIDE is less than 5000. by comparison, the CDC estimates that about 36,000 people die from seasonal flu per year in the U.S. alone. Moreover, most of those deaths are not direct flu deaths, but due to pneumonia associated with the flu.
For most people the constant claims and counter claims about the virus and the vaccines can be a bit confusing. I have a simple standard that I use to judge the veracity of any claim however. To wit: Did it actually happen?
If the weatherman tells you it’s raining when it isn’t then you don’t need to have a degree in meteorology to know he’s full of shit.
Still, the specter of government officials and their suck-ups in the media running around screaming about how death is stalking us all is a bit bizarre given the conspicuous lack of evidence that there is any such problem.
The fact is this H1N1 flu is extremely mild. According to Dr Marc Lipsitch, an infectious disease expert at Harvard, the mortality due to Swine Flu is between .0045% and .070%. That is far below the normal seasonal flu mortality of .1% .
Equally bizarre is the attempt to shove vaccines down everyone’s throat. According to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, none of these flu vaccines really work. She has compiled an impressive array of data, from peer reviews scientific journals, demonstrating that the claims made by vaccine manufacturers are bogus.
Which begs the question: If this virus is extremely mild, and studies show that they really don’t work, why are they trying to shove it down everyone’s throat?
I’m reminded of African witch doctors spreading “magical” pig grease over warriors bodies before they go into battle with the claim that it will stop bullets. You would think the stream of bullet ridden bodies would quickly disabuse them of this notion but it never does. Faith, it seems, is more powerful than mere observation.
The American witch doctors inject their pig grease, rather than spread it on, but the affect is pretty much the same: Nothing. The only real difference is that considering the array of adverse consequences from injecting yourself with a cocktail of toxic chemicals, I’d just as soon be treated by the African witch doctors in this case.
If you want to gain a better insight into this, I recommend reading or listening to the interview between Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Russell Blaylock about the great vaccine scam. It is very eye opening.